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Our gift to the Ahimsa Yoga Community:
Free practices, philosophy, anatomy tips and more!
J-P from AhimsaYoga.com shares 3 simple ways to get started with your own at-home yoga practice. Also, a link to a simple, beginner-friendly, 27-minute yoga ...
J-P leads you through a simple, accessible 27m yoga practice to help keep your body healthy and keep you feelin' groovy.
JP sets up his Monday morning class on "Ahimsa", the first foundational principal of yoga practice.
The first Sun Salutation in the Ahimsa Yoga practice - Mitra Namaskara. The best way to warm up the body, and prepare for the rest of your yoga practice.
In yoga (and outside of yoga, for that matter) there are opposing forces which act on your inner and outer thigh and "steer" your knee — learn more here!
**To see the rest of this Ahimsa Yoga Practice Guide - the “white shorts” series - click here.
**To see more of the Anatomy of Yoga Asana videos click here.