Letter from the Director

Thoughts from Ahimsa Yoga Founder, J-P Tamblyn-Sabo

What matters most?

The last couple years have shown us a lot. About ourselves. About each other. About what we want and what we fear. About what we are and are not willing to tolerate.

It has shown each of us “what matters most”.

It has also shown us that “what matters most” may not be the same for everybody.

Safety? Family? Health? Freedom? Control? Unity? Autonomy? Community?

What’s at the VERY top of that list will vary from person to person, which inevitably impacts who we show up as in the world and how.

These two years have shown me that at the top of MY list are: Togetherness, Health, & Love. It’s what I want. It’s what I stand for. It’s what I have to give. It’s what matters most to me.

Which makes it such a tremendous joy for me to officially announce that after almost two years, we are reopening Ahimsa Yoga Toronto on February 21st. (Phew! Did I really just say that??)

We’ll be taking it slow and steady at first, just to make sure we do this right, but the wheels are in motion and this… is… happening!

For Togetherness and Community.

For Health in ALL the ways.

For Love.

We are all SOOOoooo excited to see you in person again. (AT LAST!!! Whoo hoooooo!)

Keep your eyes on your inbox, as we have lots of important updates to share over the next 9 days! (nine? whaaaat?!?! )

See you soon,