Michelle Tamblyn-Sabo

Yogini + Feminine Mentor/ Co-Director

Michelle’s teaching reveals her profound love and adoration for the body’s inherent wisdom and ability to express truth. With an unquenchable thirst for learning and growth, she has studied extensively in Ahimsa, Restorative, Para and Ashtanga Yoga, as well as Feminine Movement and Shamanic Studies. Michelle is equipped to inspire women in living a wildly vibrant, sensual and powerful life fuelled by truth, wisdom and SoulBody connection. Michelle is the creator of Goddess Flow Yoga in addition to being a teacher, teacher trainer and co-owner of Ahimsa Yoga Centres in the GTA with her husband JP Tamblyn-Sabo. Michelle is also a Mother of two magical children, She is an ambassador for the protection or Mother Earth and a passionate advocate for reconciliation and awareness of Indigenous peoples of Canada.


J-P Tamblyn-Sabo


Nancy Silverman