Ahimsa Yogāyāma
Scholarship Program Application
Thank you for your interest in the Yogāyāma Scholarship Program!
At Ahimsa, we are dedicated to making sure that as many aspiring yogis as possible have access to this training. We recognize that many experience financial hardship — especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic — and may not have the financial means to participate in the Ahimsa Yogayama Teacher Training. That’s why we created this scholarship program!
We will be offering up to 6 scholarships, each ranging from $800-$1900 (depending on financial need) to yogis that exhibit exceptional dedication to the practice of yoga, the development of their yoga education, and genuine financial need.
In recognition of the systemic inequalities ever-present in our society, 3 scholarships will be reserved for self-identified members of minority, underrepresented and racialized groups.
** Please fill out the Yogayama Application Form before filling out this form**
Thank you for taking the time fill out this application and share your story. We will be in touch with the recipients of the scholarship soon!
Peace & love,
JP Tamblyn-Sabo, Founder of Ahimsa Yoga